My Weekly Blog

Creating Opportunities to Live the Life You Imagine

There is a Better Way

100 days of writing my book- Day 29-35- The Freedom #business; #startup; #coaching; #training businesscoaching financial freedom findyourpassions passive income youngentrepreneursacademy May 18, 2021

Day 29

Writing my very first book about how I transitioned out of the corporate world, the nine to five where you trade your time for money, and in my case, also businesses that I owned, again, trading my time for money, going online three years ago, and now using the knowledge and experience...

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100 days of writing my book- Day 15-21 #business; #startup; #coaching; #training businesscoach businesscoaching businessowners coach onlinecourse May 07, 2021

Day 15

So welcome to Friday. It's day 15 of writing my book, so far, so good and I'm really enjoying it. I think part of it is because I just enjoy the topic. I'm very passionate about what I do today, which is helping people transition out of a 9 to 5 job or a business they own, where they're...

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Do You Feel Stuck in Your 9-5 Job? I Transition Online Challenge #books; #podcasts; #johnassaraf; #photo; #sharonvanetten; #muic; #quote #business; #startup; #coaching; #training #competition blog businesscoach businesscoaching businessowners busnesstraining coach Nov 27, 2020


I just thought I'd take you back a couple of years with a little bit of a story today with my blog this week.

Two years ago, I had been out of the corporate world for a year and I was doing a lot of business coaching. to teach the young kids in that particular school. What it is I...

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How to be more productive online #books; #podcasts; #johnassaraf; #photo; #sharonvanetten; #muic; #quote #business; #startup; #coaching; #training businesscoach businesscoaching businessowners businessskills businesstraining productive Nov 20, 2020

Hi, my name is Jimmi Bradbury, I'm an international executive business coach and founder of the Young Entrepreneurs Academy. And I want to share with you today something that I teach all of my clients and I like to do myself. And I know it's going to help you enormously if you are somebody who's...

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The number #1 skill to develop to be SUCCESSFUL online #books; #podcasts; #johnassaraf; #photo; #sharonvanetten; #muic; #quote #business; #startup; #coaching; #training #competition businesscoach businesscoaching businesstraining Nov 05, 2020

What do you think is the number one thing that you need to do to be successful online?

What do you think the number one thing is that I learned, having now been in the online world for three years to be successful?


Hi, my name is Jimmi Bradbury, I'm an international executive business...

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I get asked this question all of the time #books; #podcasts; #johnassaraf; #photo; #sharonvanetten; #muic; #quote #business; #startup; #coaching; #training #competition businesscoach businesscoaching Oct 17, 2020

Hi, my name is Jimmi Bradbury. I'm an International Executive Business coach and I'm also the founder of the Young Entrepreneurs Academy And welcome to my kitchen table. This is where I have been working for the last three years, building online courses and programs and also now coaching people...

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Review of the book I am reading, podcast I am listening to and moreā€¦.My Personal blog for Week commencing 25th February books businesscoaching businesstraining durandjones jamesaltucher laurenzander miami music photographs podcasts wine youngentrepreneursacademy Mar 02, 2019

    'Living the Life you Imagine'

Personal Highlights of the Week

Hi All.............

Hope you are having a good week. My Young Entrepreneurs Academy is into its fourth week in schools in Australia and just over four weeks to go before it is launched online for access around the...

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