My Weekly Blog

Creating Opportunities to Live the Life You Imagine

There is a Better Way

100 days of writing my book- Day 29-35- The Freedom #business; #startup; #coaching; #training businesscoaching financial freedom findyourpassions passive income youngentrepreneursacademy May 18, 2021

Day 29

Writing my very first book about how I transitioned out of the corporate world, the nine to five where you trade your time for money, and in my case, also businesses that I owned, again, trading my time for money, going online three years ago, and now using the knowledge and experience...

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Review of the book I am reading, podcast I am listening to and moreā€¦.My Personal blog for Week commencing 25th February books businesscoaching businesstraining durandjones jamesaltucher laurenzander miami music photographs podcasts wine youngentrepreneursacademy Mar 02, 2019

    'Living the Life you Imagine'

Personal Highlights of the Week

Hi All.............

Hope you are having a good week. My Young Entrepreneurs Academy is into its fourth week in schools in Australia and just over four weeks to go before it is launched online for access around the...

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